Converted at 10 years old in a one room country church

When I was 10 years old, I was attending a revival in a small country church in rural Kentucky.  The evangelist, who was one of my dad’s friends, gave an alter call at the end of his sermon and I went and knelt at the alter. Reverend Dickson was his name. I can’t remember what his sermon was about that night, but he must have said something that touched me in a way that changed my life forever.

Conversion is an old way of referring to being reborn in the spirit. An alter call was how you publicly let that be known. It doesn’t matter what the words mean, what is important is how it changes a person and how it changed me. I tried explaining my feelings to my dad after the experience, but he and my mom were busy focusing on other things. I did talk to Reverend Dickson and he gave me a big hug and told me how happy he was for me. That began my Christian life’s journey that has lasted a very long time. That journey has been tested over and over again. Sometimes I’ve passed, but more than I’d like to say, I’ve failed; at least by what I’ve thought. I will share more in another blog. Until then I challenge you to think about your own spiritual journey and where it has taken you and where do you think it’s going.

2 Comments on “Converted at 10 years old in a one room country church”

    • Kelli even the most faithful and seasoned Christian struggles with their faith at times! Just know that God is with you loving you always and holding you in his arms! I will say a special prayer for struggle with your faith! 🙏🏻❣️

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