They Call Me Tess

Sara Richardson, a middle-aged clergyman’s wife, wakes up one morning with the thought that something out of the ordinary was going to happen. As she carried her coffee into the family room, the thought from earlier almost made her spill her coffee. She was told to go to the window near the front door, and look out. Not wanting to disobey what she thought might be a message from God, she does what it asked. The spot nearest the door was still in the shadows. As her eyes adjusted, she made out what appeared to be a body lying just feet from her door. Not believing what she saw, she closed her eyes then looked again. Sure enough, there was a body! It was an old woman, lying face down, her long white hair spread around her face. Who was this old woman and what was she doing on Sara’s front lawn? Was she alive, or God forbid dead? Follow Sara’s journey as she takes a leap of faith into doing what God asked of her, with no questions asked.


This story is about an older woman, named Tess. She becomes homeless and ends up on the front lawn of a minister and his wife. She is skeptical about religion and finds the whole idea of Christianity boring. Over the course of three months, Tess learns that Christianity is more than going to church. Her story becomes a story of true redemption.