Thoughts from yesterday.

As I was traveling home from yet another doctor’s appointment yesterday, my thoughts turned to how life is so different now. My birthday is coming up soon – June the 23rd, and my thoughts turned to the world and how much it’s changed since I was a kid and then a teenager. My teen years were from 1960 until I turned 20 in 1967.   Those years, morally and intellectually were guided by my parents, college professors, and even my husband. I didn’t know I could think for myself.  As a Christian during those early years, instructions about the content of the Bible and morals were the same for everyone.  It was easier to follow those ideas then my own.

I married young, by today’s standards. Becoming a teacher or a nurse were two choices for young women of my era. The choice of marriage was the one most young women chose. I chose that and I would do it again.

I never considered any other life but the life of a wife, mother, and minister’s wife. It took years, and the women’s lib to help me see that I was intelligent and talented in other ways, and It was okay to think for myself.

Since that happened, my life has been rewarding in many ways. I started working outside the home when our son became a teenager. New jobs and new experiences came into my life and I loved it! Because we moved frequently, I worked many different jobs. I didn’t finish my college years, so I took jobs that didn’t require a college degree. That never stopped me! My son asked me one day, how many different jobs I had in my life. I counted them and was surprised at the number. I counted at least 17 jobs I was paid for. Not counting all the volunteer positions during my lifetime.

When I worked at the Ohio History Museum in Columbus, I was taught how to become what they called a living history interpreter. I fell in love with it! We as interpreters pretended to be someone from many different time periods. It’s called first person interpreting. Since it was about history, we used historically correct information and shared it with school children and adults, who visited the museum.

I retired in 2012, and started doing these history programs on my own. I have 7 different characters with 2 of them able to perform with different historical facts.

Two years ago, I wrote my first fictional novel and had it published. This is the book my blog page relates to, They Call Me Tess.

Life seemed simpler when I was young. Things were black or white – easier to follow and live.  Now – life’s choices and actions have so many gray areas, I can’t keep up with them. I wish we as God’s children would stop fighting over issues and hurting and abusing each other. I’ve lived life long enough to know, that’s not going to happen – at least in my lifetime.

I wish for me – good health – fun times, and relaxing without struggling about world events! God willing, and the creek doesn’t rise, I hope for many more years to continue to grow in both my Christian life and my personal life!



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