Darlene’s Journal

I’ve decided to turn my blog page into my journal.  So far – no one has read my blogs – and I’m paying for this website – why not use it for my personal journal.

My book They Call Me Tess, is not selling. I’ve spent two years working to get it sold. The first few months were great. . .. then everything stopped. In the beginning I ordered my books from Westbow Press – paying for my own books – crazy right? I bought 50 soft covers, at the price of $14.96 each plus shipping. They gave me what was called seed books, 20 soft cover and 3 hardbacks. They called them free. Free I think not! I probably paid for them through the marketing package deal I bought. I gave one of the hardback copies to my husband, my great aunt, and my son. So- here I am, two years later and I’ve run out of everything.  Ideas for selling my book – gone. My finances gone – my hope – gone – and the worst – my faith gone.

I am a living history performer – been doing that for over 22 years. I used that talent to make a special introduction for my book – portraying Tess. I had a friend give me a special gift – a short video of being Tess. It is such a professional made video! My son helped me get it on YouTube . That was over a year ago and it’s been seen 28 times. Wow.

I need things to turn around. I did spend another amount of money that I really don’t have, for marketing my book in a contest through a company called Luna Global Media. So far that hasn’t gone well. So, no where to so but up. Until next time . . .


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