The season for the reason we celebrate Christmas is here!

Tess was so new to the idea of God; it must have been overwhelming for her to think about a baby named Jesus born to save us. I’ve known about the birth of Jesus since I was a little kid. I lived in a Christian home where my father was a clergyman. I learned about God and Jesus even before I understood the significance of who Jesus was and why he came to be born for us. Tess loved her first Advent Sunday at church. Sara and Tess had gone to the church Saturday afternoon, to help decorate the sanctuary for the next morning – first Advent Sunday. Sara herself loved Advent with all her heart, and she wanted Tess to feel the same – and she did! She also got so excited about the Advent candles she asked if she could light one herself. If you read my book, you’ll remember how that went! Lol

Tess was a babe herself, in the knowledge of Advent. She was excited; and anticipated the coming of a tiny little baby named Jesus. I worked hard on writing how a person who had never heard the Christmas story would react and feel. I used the visual of my being a young girl who just heard about the story of Jesus. I think it worked – and – you know what else worked – I allowed myself to think about hearing that story for the first time as an older woman close to Tess’s age, and I was overcome with happiness! All the movies and shows we have today on so many channels about Christmas, none lives up to the real story.  It is beautifully written in the book of Luke Chapter 2. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you:  You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manager. That sure can’t be topped. Tess experienced her first Advent Season and she loved every moment of it. I hope all my readers think about what Advent means to them and keep it in their heart all year.  Have a blessed Christmas.

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